Monday, December 28, 2015

I closed my eyes and slipped away with you ~ if only for a few moments ~ bliss.

So it was another crazy morning, as so many of them in December have been. 
The night before, I had come home very late Christmas evening from Amber's.
It was the coldest night of the year ~ and as I opened my door it felt as if I was walking into an oven.
I quickly discovered the problem was a broken thermostat. 
I could have the heat on ~ but it wouldn't turn off.
Exhausted, I decided to turn the heat OFF, throw an extra down comforter on the bed and call it a night.

But it was so cold.
So I called the apartment emergency number and was told *someone* would call me.
Seconds later, the phone rang. 
It was him ... Alberto.

I was cold, tired and not really hearing what he was telling me. How a simple battery replacement would solve the problem.  But I couldn't find the way to get to the batteries.
I was frustrated. He was patient, as always.
 He offered to drive over and help me fix a very simple problem.
I declined the offer of, "I can be there in 20 minutes" and went to bed ~ cold.
Damn cold!

The next morning the knock woke me up. I'd finally fallen asleep after shivering until at 3am. 
I jumped out of bed forgetting that it could be Alberto on the other side of the door.
I rang out, "Hold on, I'm getting dressed!"
My hair was a mess, my teeth weren't brushed, I threw on some jeans and a light sweatshirt and rushed to the door.

The furtherest thing from my mind was any kind of sensual encounter... 
I was freezing, I looked atrocious and I was having to leave for work in about an hour.
But apparently Alberto wasn't thinking of any of that.
As I explained what was wrong with the thermostat, he flipped down the cover, replaced two AA batteries and the heat came on instantly warming us! 
Seconds later I felt him turn towards me, hold me gently and smell my hair. 
The rest was history.

He turned my face toward his, and squeezed me so tightly pressing me against his chest.
It felt like he wanted to be the heat source that was going to warm me up. 
Since he's taller than me, he started by nuzzling my hair and then kissing my head....

Then it happened. 
Something that hasn't happened to me in quite awhile.
He lifted up my chin and glanced into my eyes. First he kissed me softly as he squeezed me closer to him. Then that gentleness turned passionate and he kissed me intently while squeezing me so tightly I could hardly breathe. 

Time flew by.
A nuclear explosion could have gone off and I don't think it would have stopped us.
I could faintly hear a phone ringing ~ but I thought it was just my alarm.
After three more calls, I realized someone desperately needed Alberto.
But I clung tightly.
At that moment, no one needed Alberto more than I did...
No one...

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